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October 21, 2014

IBPS PO -IV Exam GA Question 18th October 2014 MORNING Shift

1. A card like a plastic credit card used for the expansion of computer capabilities is:expansion card/ pendrive etc.
2. To view how a document appears in MS Office: print preview
3. What is WINDOWS EXPLORER: File Manager
4. Mouse behaves like, when it turns upside down - track ball
5. Transfer of applications from memory to hard disk?

6. When a computer is switched on, the first instruction performed by RAM is from: ROM
7. Shifting from Windows 98 to windows XP is - upgrade
8. A saved program stores in :hard disk
9. The vertical lines on a product: barcode
10. Palm operating device – PDA
11. Currency of Spain – Euro
12. Jan Dhan Yojana Benefits – Overdraft Loan in Bank Account
13. Foreign Institutional Investor – FII
14. Writer of The Mother I Never Knew - Sudha Murthy
15. L stands in SLR- liquidity
16. Money laundering is done to- Avoid tax
17. Abhinav Bindra wins Two Bronze & Retirement
18. When did Manalapan reach Mars - 24 September 2014
19. In how days KYC custom fill identity proof – 5 working days
20. Nuku’alofa is the capital of – Tonga
21. Nitin Gadkari related to which ministry - Transport
22. Which Indian movie selected for Oscar Award 2015 - Liar's Dice
23. PPF limit change from 1 lakh to 1.5 lakh
24. Largest hydroelectric power plant in India – Koyna
25. Fusion points agreement 118 countries related to –
26. What is 'M' in MIFF- Mumbai (MIFF- Mumbai International Film festival)
27. Heidelberg Cement India': - Ashish Guha
28. Mogadishu is the capital of – Somalia
29. Basic saving bank deposit account maximum credit amount in a year – 1 lkh
30. NIM full form- Net Interest Margin
31. MTSS- Money Transfer Service Scheme
32. kisan vikas patra was closed by govt. earlier why - to avoid Money laundering activities
33. Vishal Sikka is CMD of which company - Infosys
34. One question on Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
35. Rbi issued the permission to Muthoot finance to set up - white label ATM
36. SBI life insurance partnered with – BNP Paribas Cardif
37. Merchant payments in India is controlled by - SEBI
38. According to census 2011 Every ____ in the world population is Indian.
39. Who gave the principle of objects submerged partially or fully in water – Archimedes

40. GUI (Graphic user Interface means) – user friendly
41. Pass words are used for - unauthorized access in to the system
42. Pass accessing - pass word rights/access rights
43. Not a malware - data spy
44. The first part of the URL which is used for access in to the web - protocol
45. In MS Word to reverse the action of UNDO - Redo

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